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Perry County Senior Centers resumed all services July 1, 2021.
Meals will be served in Linden and Lobelville, and meal pick-up will still be available. The Lobelville Center will be open 9:00 a.m. to noon, and the Linden Center 9:00 to 1:00.
Please call ahead and order your lunches, both take-out and eat-in meals: Linden,931-589-5111; Lobelville, 931-593-2814.
Nancy Doyle, Director
113 Factory St.
P.O. Box 367
Linden, TN 37096
Office: (931) 589-5111
FAX: (931) 589-3375
Teresa Ralph, Site Manager
Lobelville Senior Center
46 6th Avenue West
Lobelville, TN 37097
9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.
Mon. - Friday
Activities vary by Center, but when the Centers are open, you can expect to find books, games, puzzles, billiards, shuffle board, quilting, cooking in an on-premise kitchen, and best of all, social activities. One of the best tonics is to be around others and engage your mind. Meals are served in the dining area normally, but not at this time, again, due to COVID.
There is an exercise room, gospel singing on Fridays, quilting on Wednesdays, puzzles, books, WII system games, Cornhole and Dominos. Something for everyone.
The public transportation available in Perry County is managed through the Senior Center, but is not limited to our senior citizens, those 60+. The rates are extremely low, and the vans are not limited to inside the County. For instance, you can go grocery shopping, a doctor visit, pharmacy, Nashville or even Memphis!
For more information about routes and rates, please refer to the South Central Area Transportation Service (SCATS) page in this website. Or you can call for more information at (931) 589-5111.
Looking for a way to make a difference in Perry County? The Meals on Wheels program is always looking for more volunteers to provide home delivery of meals for shut-ins, the elderly who can't drive, etc. Contact Brenda Treadwell or Kathy Overton at 931-589-3375, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to noon, and let them know you want to help.
Free, unbiased Medicare counseling is provided under a variety of names throughout the country. Tennessee's program is known as TN SHIP, or just SHIP, but the same or similar programs exist under other names in other parts of the country. Volunteers are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday with limited hours, to assist our seniors with insurance questions at the Linden Senior Center, but you must call to make an appointment. Wondering if you qualify for this assistance program? Look for more information about this Federal program at the State of Tennessee website for TN SHIP.
Looking for a meaningful, fulfilling volunteer opportunity with the aging and disabled population? TN SHIP has volunteer opportunities for you to assist consumers with understanding their Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Training is available across the state. Email us at
Planning ahead gives you the ability to make your own decisions, including decisions about end-of-life choices. Share your wishes with your family. They'll appreciate knowing what you want, and that will make their choices easier. Don't think of it as something you do for yourself. It's your gift to the people you care about.
This presentation is intended to serve as a helpful guide to things you need to know, or do, as you age. It includes tips for Medicare planning, scheduling health screenings at the right time of life, and the importance of making time to relax, among others.
Medicare and Medicaid/TennCare pay for home health and hospice care providers to help patients and their families at home. This session will describe the Medicare home health and hospice benefits, other home care services, and how families should prepare for advanced illness and the end of life with advanced directives and caring conversations. The presentation will also cover the at-home Medicaid/TennCare benefit as an alternative to long-term care in a nursing home.
Gaye Treadwell, Administrator
Linda Spencer, Deputy
113 Factory St.
P.O. Box 77
Linden, TN 37096
Phone: (931) 589-2025
Normal Office Hours: M-F, 9am - 4pm, closed for lunch 12-1pm
Azbill Center, 113 Factory St., Linden, TN 37096
October 16 to October 31, 2024, Monday through Friday: Open 8:30 to 11:30, Closed for lunch 11:30 to 12:30, and Open 12:30 to 3:30.
Saturday: Open 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Perry County Election Commission is moving the Pope, District 2 Voting Precinct from the Pope Volunteer Fire Department to the Howard Community Church, located at 11616 Hwy. 412 West, Linden, TN 37096. This change will be in effect by the November 5, 2024, Presidential Election.
Headed up by Mrs. Gaye Treadwell, the Election Commission office organizes elections in Perry County for national, State and County elections, both primary and general elections. County Elections are held on the first Thursday of August. Sharing the August ballot are races for any state and national primaries. General Elections for state and national offices are held on the first Thursday of August.
The State of Tennessee has designed a handy app for your convenience in voting. Download it HERE.
Voter Registration
There is no more important responsibility of citizenship than voting! If you are not yet registered to vote, you are welcome to register in person at the Perry County Election Commission Office at 133 Factory Street in Linden. You can also Register to Vote online with the State of Tennessee. Click this link to Register to Vote.
To become a Registered Voter, you must be at least 18 years old at the time of the next election. You MUST NOT have been convicted of a felony unless you have had your voting rights restored if you have been convicted. You must be a United States citizen. You must live in Tennessee. All voter registrations must be complete at least 30 days prior to the upcoming election in order to vote.
To exercise your right to vote at the poll either on Election Day or during early voting you must produce a Tennessee Driver License or a Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Identification or United States Passport or a photo ID issued by the federal or Tennessee state government or US military photo ID or Tennessee handgun carry permit with a photo.
To be eligible to vote in Tennessee:
In order to participate in an election, a qualified voter must be properly registered no later than thirty (30) days before the election. The election commission office will process any by-mail voter registration form that has been postmarked at least thirty (30) days before the election. T.C.A 2-2-109.
Running for Office
A run for office begins with picking up an official petition to have your name placed on the ballot. This is available at the Election Commission. You will need to find registered voters within the district you plan to run to sign the petition to get your name on the ballot.
Different positions may have different qualifications such as a minimum age or a certain type of education and have a requirement to obtain different numbers of signatures. The Election Commission can provide you with a list of these requirements. Petitions for the August Ballot become available in March and the absolute deadline to return a petition to the Election Commission Office is NOT LATER THAN NOON on April 5.
How to Vote
Most people enjoy the excitement of voting on the actual election day. Every voter who is voting in person on election day or during early voting MUST present a Tennessee Driver’s License photo id OR a Tennessee Safety and Homeland Security photo id.
However, there are other options: View them HERE.
Early Voting – Early Voting is done in person at the Election Commission. During Early Voting the Office is open from 9 a.m. until 4 pm Monday – Friday (The Office closes from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. for lunch). Early Voting takes place in roughly the last 2 weeks of July prior to the August election and the last 2 weeks of October prior to the November elections. Call the Election Commission for exact dates of Early Voting.
Absentee Voting – Under some circumstances registered voters may request a paper ballot to be mailed to them and is returned to the Election Commission by United States Mail. The first day to request a ballot is 90 days before the election and the last date to request a ballot is 7 days prior to election day. All ballots must be received by the Perry County Election Commission via United States mail not later than the close of the voting polls of the election day.
Download Absentee Request Form | Military/Overseas Absentee Request Information
You can vote absentee by-mail if you fall under one of the following categories:
You must submit a written request containing the information below to the Perry County Election Commission office by the seventh day before Election Day. You can use the absentee ballot request form to make sure all required information is provided.
You can submit your written request for an absentee ballot by mail, fax, or e-mail. If emailing your request, be sure the attached document contains the information below and your scanned signature.
A request that contains this information will be processed and a ballot will be mailed to the voter.
NOTICE: A person who is not an employee of an election commission commits a Class E felony if such person gives an application for an absentee ballot to any person or commits a Class A misdemeanor if such person gives an unsolicited request for application for absentee ballot to any person. T.C.A. § 2-6-202(c)(3) and (4).
The county election commission will return the application to you so you can make corrections and resubmit your application.
You will receive an application for ballot for each election if your licensed physician signs a statement stating that, in their judgment, you are medically unable to vote in person. The statement must be filed not less than seven (7) days before the election and signed under the penalty of perjury.
You may request an absentee by-mail ballot no earlier than ninety (90) days before the election and no later than seven (7) days before the election. To be processed for the next election, the application must be received by the election commission no later than seven (7) days before the election.
The deadline for the August 6 election is Thursday, July 30.
Requests for the November presidential election cannot be received until August 5.
You should notify your county election commission.
You must mail your ballot in time for your county election commission to receive it no later than the close of polls on Election Day. You cannot drop off your ballot, but mailed in. This means it must go to Nashville first and then returned to be counted in a national election.
No. You must return your ballot by mail (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.). Be sure to allocate plenty of time for the US Post Service and to allow for delays that may be incurred.
Unless you are on the permanent absentee voting register or enrolled in the Safe at Home program, you must appear in-person to vote in the first election after you have registered by mail. If you have already voted in-person since you registered, then no additional information will be required to vote by mail.
Your Representatives are elected based on the District in which you are registered to vote. Finding your Precinct/Voting Place and the District you are in is easy using the State of Tennessee’s online look-up:
The following link will let you see who represents you in the Perry County Commission:
The following link lets you find your State of Tennessee House and Senate members:
Use the following link to find who represents your interest at the United States Congress:
Contact the Election Commission office at 113 Factory St. in Linden, either in person or by phone, and indicate a desire to be a poll worker. The requirements to be a poll worker are as follows:
Hours and Compensation:
Work Requirements:
The 2022 Perry County tax roll is downloaded and ready to take payments in the County Trustee’s office or online at On the Homepage of the County's website, in the upper righthand corner of the screen, is a blue button that says "Click Here to Pay Your Tax Bill Online." The reader will then be taken to another website,, where you can search for your tax bill.
Tax bills, along with tax relief vouchers for those who have previously been approved, will be in the mail this month.
If you are coming in to pay with a tax relief voucher, please do not forget to bring your 2021 proof of income for yourself and anyone living in the household with you. The office cannot process the tax relief voucher without proof of income.
Please read the following information. If you think you qualify for tax relief or have questions, please call the Trustee’s office at 931-589-2313.
The Trustee’s office is located on the first floor of the Perry County Courthouse, and is open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Eligibility requirements for tax relief:
— Elderly: you must be 65 on or before December 31, 2022; you must own your own home and use it as your primary residence; you must provide annual income from all sources; $31,600 is the maximum 2021 income of the applicant, spouse, co-owner, and resident remainder; $30,000 is the maximum market value on which tax relief is calculated.
— Disabled: you must be disabled on or before December 31, 2022; you must own your own home and use it as your primary residence; you must provide income from all sources; $31,600 is the maximum 2021 income of the applicant, spouse, co-owner, and resident remainder; $30,000 is the maximum market value on which tax relief is calculated.
— Disabled Veteran: you must be rated permanently and totally disabled on or before December 31, 2022; you must own your own home and use it as your primary residence; you must complete a 2022 F-16 (consent form for the release of disability and income information from the Department of Veterans Affairs); $175,000 is the maximum market value on which tax relief is calculated.
— Widow(er) of disabled veteran: you must own your own home and use it as your primary residence; you must provide a copy of your spouse's death certificate and provide a form of personal ID; you must have been married to the veteran at the time of their death and not have remarried; you must complete a 2022 F-16S (consent form for the release of disability and income information from the Department of Veterans Affairs); $175,000 is the maximum market value on which tax relief is calculated.
931-589-2786 office
Perry County Veterans Service Officer Dan Riley became the VSO for Perry County as of August 22, 2022, with his office at the same location as Officer Belew, our previous VSO, at the Community Center in Linden, 113 Factory St. His mission is to assist all veterans of Perry County, their spouses, widows, and children with filing claims for VA benefits.
Officer Riley's office hours are Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, at the Azbill Community Center, first door on the right as you enter the first set of doors to the building.
Appointments may be scheduled on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., beginning the first week of October. Walk-ins are always welcome if no appointment is scheduled.
To better serve veterans and families, please contact and make an appointment: 931-589-2786 office and 931-589-2007 fax, or email
Dan Riley, Veterans Services Officer
113 Factory St.
P.O.Box 16
Linden, TN 37096
Office: (931) 589-2786
FAX: (931) 589-2007
Hours: Mon-Thursday 10-3:30
Accredited representatives and VSOs can help you understand and apply for VA benefits, like:
These trained professionals can also:
Note: Veterans Service Officers work for Veterans Service Organizations (both are called VSOs), as well as for local government offices.
In general, no individual or organization may charge you a fee to help you file your initial application for benefits. But they may charge you for unusual expenses. It’s only after we’ve made a decision about your original claim that VA-accredited claims agents and attorneys may charge for their services. Make sure you ask up front what, if any, fees you’ll be charged. If you believe a claims agent or attorney charged a fee that’s too high, you can challenge it.
Find out more in the “How to Challenge a Fee” guide
You can find an accredited representative or a VSO in 1 of 2 ways:
You’ll need to either use eBenefits or fill out a form and mail it in.
Choose one of these ways to get set up:
If you’re filling out one of the forms, you’ll need to mail it to your nearest VA regional office. Please speak to the service organization or representative before you send your request.
Find a VA regional office near you
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1123 meets the second Thursday, 5L00 p.m.; contact Dale Long, VVA President, 931-593-2745. These groups meet the third Tuesday: VFW Post 4973, 4:00 p.m., contact Dan Walcott, 931-306-3427; and Perry County Veterans Association, 5:00 p.m., contact Mike Caldwell, PCVA Chairman, 931-589-2032. On the third Thursday, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 56 and American Legion Post 0176 meets at 4:00 p.m., contact Rosanna Weems, 985-855-7285. All meetings are held at the Perry County Veterans Building, Linden.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals on the basis of disability. It was enacted on July 26, 1990, and was amended in 2008 with the ADA Amendments Act. The ADA consists of five titles outlining protections in the following areas: